Golden Rule Christian Endeavor Union
C.E. Essentials
GRCE History
GRCE Meeting Dates

Listed below are the "C.E. Essentials" which lay the foundation for a Christian Endeavor society (a C.E. society is the name of the group/entity which operates the Christian Endeavor program in a church).  The Christian Endeavor logo is a "C" with an "E" in its middle.  This symbolizes that a Christian Endeavorer is one who endeavors to be like Christ.

Christian Endeavor Principles

Confession of Christ

Service for Christ

Fellowship with Christ's People

Loyalty to Christ's Church

Christian Endeavor Pledge

Trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ for strength, I promise Him that I will strive to do whatever He would like me to do; that I will make it the rule of my life, to pray and read the Bible everyday, and to support the work and worship of my own church, in every way possible.; and that just so far as I know how, throughout my whole life, I will endeavor to lead a Christian life.

 Christian Endeavor Motto:  For Christ and the Church